user = "polczyn"; site = ""; function initialize() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas")); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(53.768938, 16.093737), 17); //,19.204102&sspn=10.458565,28.54248&ie=UTF8&g=ciechan%C3%B3w&ll=52.878636,20.59929&spn=0.005005,0.013937&z=17 //;sll=52.025459,19.204102&sspn=10.458565,28.54248&ie=UTF8&g=ciechan%C3%B3w&ll=52.878759,20.599161&spn=0.003108,0.006866&z=17 //, map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); // Create a base icon for all of our markers that specifies the // shadow, icon dimensions, etc. var baseIcon = new GIcon(); //baseIcon.shadow = ""; //baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34); //baseIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34); //baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34); //baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2); //baseIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25); var info = '

Wspólnota Kościołów Chrystusowych
Kościół Chrystusowy
w Połczynie Zdroju
<\/b>ul. Grunwaldzka 42
78-320 Połczyn-Zdrój
Telefon: +48 94 366 35 34
E-mail: ' + user + '@' + site + '
<\/div>'; // Creates a marker whose info window displays the letter corresponding // to the given index. //function createMarker(point, index) { // Create a lettered icon for this point using our icon class //var letter = String.fromCharCode("A".charCodeAt(0) + index); // var letteredIcon = new GIcon(baseIcon); //letteredIcon.image = "" + letter + ".png"; // Set up our GMarkerOptions object //markerOptions = { icon:letteredIcon }; //var marker = new GMarker(point, markerOptions); //GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() { // marker.openInfoWindowHtml(info); // }); // return marker; // } // Add 10 markers to the map at random locations var bounds = map.getBounds(); var southWest = bounds.getSouthWest(); var northEast = bounds.getNorthEast(); var lngSpan = northEast.lng() - southWest.lng(); var latSpan = -; var latlng = new GLatLng( + latSpan/2 ,southWest.lng() + lngSpan/2); //map.addOverlay(createMarker(latlng, 0)); //for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { //var latlng = new GLatLng( + latSpan * Math.random(), //southWest.lng() + lngSpan * Math.random()); //map.addOverlay(createMarker(latlng, i)); //} var marker = new GMarker(latlng); GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() { marker.openInfoWindowHtml(info); }); map.addOverlay(marker); marker.openInfoWindowHtml(info); } }